Out of sorts

I’m currently reading The Bright Hour a memoir about the great great great granddaughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s journey through terminal cancer breast cancer. She’s a mother of two young boys and her own mother also has terminal myeloma. I got to the cremation portion of the novel and bawled my eyes out but I don’t think it’s just the novel I think it’s everything going on in my life.

I moved to Boise Idaho this summer to start a RN program and started my rotation of clinicals as well as work at the regional hospital. Having been a student nurse at a long term care facility I’ve gotten a chance to care for people who can’t care for themselves and so memiors like the one I’m reading are more to me now than ever. I see people struggling with illnesses fairly frequently.

Being home for the holidays made me appreciative but also made me come to terms with my dad’s health. He’s got end stage renal disease and does home dialysis so I helped tidy up his area where her does 10 hrs of dialysis a day. I’m starting to see my father as a patient now and it fuels my passion to help others like him but at the same time I’m sad I can’t be closer to him to help more.

The weird thing about illness especially chronic illness is you kind of accept it as a part of life. You don’t really sit there and examine it and it’s just a part of life. In terms of my older sister Catherine she’s mentally handicapped and has been since birth and I never saw her seizure medications as  anything other than just a part of cathy’s life. There’s a chapter titled Myopia that explains it beautifully. The book is so beautifully written.

In nursing school your perspective changes things. So there’s a lot of sorting out going on in my head and that beautifully painful book just triggered a overflow of emotions. They say nursing is the hardest job you will ever love and if I ever had a vocation in life this would be it. I care.


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