
Showing posts from July, 2022

Tresspass in Temptation and Suffer in Sacrifice

 It’s been years! It’s been lifetimes. As I’ve grown in age I’ve learned that my world view has become sort of a kaleidoscope. Gradually, slowly changing shape yet suddenly entirely new. Yet it’s all still the same colors shifting and rearranging offering new light, new interest, renewed regard for what’s always been in front of me. A gradual rearrangement yielding new impression. A different vantage point offering new perspective and each vantage point adding to the overall landscape. Evoking a sense of understanding and knowing if only for the fact that I can appraise the entirety of it all to a degree I hasn’t been aware of before.  I started my nursing career at the beginning of a global pandemic. I graduated December 2019, became board certified January 2020, started working in a hospital February 2020 and March 2020 all hell broke loose. I feel I’ve grown light years since becoming a nurse, experiencing others trauma, others loss and truly TRUELY understanding the fragility of li